What we are all about

Living on the Edge is the field study of earthquakes, volcanoes, and other hazards where tectonic plates collide. Field studies focus on understanding the science behind natural hazards that lead to catastrophic events and subsequent loss of life. Fieldwork is aimed at recognizing hazards and understanding the processes behind the hazards. The blog chronicles the participants and their experiences in Alaska Summer 2008

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

We are here! The students are on their way!!

Prof Garver and I arrived last night in some amazing weather. I have never had a nicer flight into Anchorage, I took a lot of photos (see the slide show on the right) of the St Elias and Chugach as we flew over. I even saw Mt Logan (tallest mountain in Canada). We flew over the headwaters of the Copper and Chitna Rivers, which we will visit next week. Today we are doing the final preparations and getting ready for the students arrival! Amanda and Kaitlin arrive this evening and will help with the groceries tomorrow and the welcoming committee for the rest of the students!


Unknown said...

That's an awesome pic Jackie

billclar7 said...

Our best to you all on your trip! We will be watching for updates along the way! Learn much, be safe and have fun!! Bill & Michelle Clark (Kaitlin's Dad & Stepmom)

Ruth Wight said...
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Jon said...

What happened to the picture of you holding the fish?

Candy said...

I am excited for all of you! What a wonderful experience!! I look forward to experiencing it second hand through all of you on this blog. Enjoy!!!

kathy Noyes said...

Looking good guys!! Have a great time!
( Shannon's Aunt Kathy )

SeanP518 said...

Hey cuz, those pictures are awesome, it looks beautiful up there, I hope all is well. Check back soon,

-Sean (Amanda's favorite cousin)

Anonymous said...

Amanda, happy 4th of july! Any fireworks up there? lucky you -missing out on parade-oh,but there's always the endless reruns!!!Can't wait to hear all about that fish you'll be catching soon!Avery does the "Chicken Dance" now ,so really gives you something to look forward to back home! Miss & love you xxooxoxxoox -mum

Anonymous said...

Our best to you all on your trip! We will be watching for updates along the way! Learn much

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